Exploring Mörk Borg
Thanks to the lovely and very generous people at the Lionsheart bookshop (seriously they’re great, do look them up if you’re ever in Woking), I now have copies of Mörk Borg and Cy_borg. If you’re not familiar with these delightful games, Mörk Borg is a fantasy RPG described as “a game of doom metal, spiked flails and miserable bastards in a bleak, dying world.”. Cy_borg is that, but in a cyberpunk dystopia instead. There’s no part of that description that doesn’t immediately spark my interest, so I thought it could be fun to dive into it together.
First up, we’ll need a couple of characters. The handy random name table at the beginning has given me Hargha and Svind.
Hargha starts out with a backpack, containing:
- a grimy leather pouch containing 120 silver coins
- a waterskin
- enough food for two days
- a bear trap
- a tiny bottle of life elixir containing two doses
He’s armed with a warhammer, and wears furs toughened by sun and filth into something resembling armour. His stats are:
- Agility: +2
- Presence: 0
- Strength: 0
- Toughness: +1
- HP: 4
- Omens: 2
He is ruthless, endlessly aggravated, and is fascinated by fire.
Svind has a sack slung over one shoulder, with:
- 60 silver, wrapped in a scrap of old parchment
- a waterskin
- enough food for three days
- a strip of magnesium
- a tent
He wields a decent quality sword, and wears no armour, only tattered cloth. His stats are:
- Agility: 0
- Presence: 0
- Strength: +3
- Toughness: 0
- HP: 6
- Omens: 2
He has a loud mouth and is prone to substance abuse. An insecure shit-stirrer who’ll talk about anyone who just left the room.
Well, these two sound just delightful. In an upcoming post, I’ll run them through the starter adventure, Rotblack Sludge, and probably get them both horribly killed. Stay tuned!